Monday, June 5, 2006
Ah San Francisco, where the women understand that a mullet is never attractive no matter their sexual orientation ;)
I have a short list of things that I found amusing about my trip. Thank god I wrote them down!
The itinerary went something along the lines of: Go stay with Judy and Neil who live right outside downtown San Francisco and stay with them from Saturday until Friday. Then, go to the city and stay in a hotel from Sunday to Tuesday and pal around all Tuesday until Judy picks us up and we stay with her again until the following Saturday when we leave for Florida. When I say "We" I mean Erin and I. Kim flew in a day earlier and left for camp (2 hours north in the California mountains) on Thursday before Erin and I left. So all in all we stayed about 2 weeks.
Now, as I have mentioned before, Erin ripped a ligament walking on uneven ground...let me emphasise the walking part. This happened about a day before we were planning to go into the City. So that meant that we have to drag hobbles around with us and walk at speeds from slower than stop to snails pace. It wasn't so bad though. We got to see a lot of things and I wasn't feeling to great after the hike myself so I didn't mind not running around a whole lot. I would have been up for it had someone warned us that it was 10 MILES!!!!
But anyway, list of things that were interesting:
1. The first street car that we got on broke down. The next day, we were on a trolley and it too broke down. These weren't very good odds. It wouldn't have been very bad except that we were taking public transportation everywhere because it was easier and faster for Erin.
2. Because of Erin's injury, we ended up meeting a lot of different people who would randomly see her (1 of three people on crutches in all of San Fran on Memorial day weekend!) and tell her how she could walk more efficiently in crutches. It helped out a lot. She stopped hurting herself and started getting around a little faster. But very little.
3. We decided that down town is like a giant Epcot. There are little spots that represent many different countries and you can hop on a cute little trolley and eat the over priced food while trying to dodge a bunch of tourists. Lucky for us, there wasn't an entrance fee, unless you consider the Bart which was $4.25.
ummmm I have a few other things but they're not horribly interesting. Every doctor, nurse, random guy that helped Erin out was hotter than hell! Whoo for gimpy! We found shoes that were about $500 overpriced, I took Bonine to help me with motion sickness which was a first, and after being in the City for 2 days I started involuntarily swaying back and forth because I felt like I was still on the bus/trolley/street car/boat/car. Kim just thought I was rocking out to music in my own weird way. A bum stole my pictures and we got hit on by a bunch of different interesting people.
OH! That was an interesting thing! On the plane over, Erin and I were acting quite genki (I can't think of a better word. Genki just really works. It means energetic, happy, healthy. We just were!) And some middle aged men started kinda sorta flirting with us in a very polite way. They looked like business men. They thought we were drunk, a common misconception for anyone who doesn't know us. We can be outrageous without a drop in us! But it made me feel good because it means I'm starting to look a little older than 17.
A couple of gay guys started flirting with my hair too. That was fun (^_^)
San Francisco may not be the perfect place. It's ungodly expensive for everything ($12.99 per pound of deli turkey) and the weather is dry and sometimes too cold (sun burns from cold, windy weather? I, as a Floridian, just can't handle that) but the boys sure are cute!!!! (I got pictures too ;))
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