Reading Between the Lines

Saturday, February 25, 2006

So, I keep going through the interview in my mind. I think that I could have said a lot more. I don't think I represented myself well. But it's over and I have to tell myself to relax but I'm really not doing a very good job about it. Shoulda-Coulda-Woulda keeps racing through my mind.

Anyway, one of the things that one of the gentlemen interviewing me asked was if I attended any of the activities that were Japan related in my area. I told him that I had never heard of any. For the most part I am on my own when it comes to events. I didn't think to tell him that I'm quite busy with school and I have to graduate before I can do anything else. It really is my first priority. Maybe I didn't need to say that. I hope not.

So then I get this email from the same person:

Dear Friend,

We are pleased to bring you a free Japan Anime Festival on March 19 from 2-9 pm at Florida International University, University Park Campus (11200 SW 8th St.) Greene Library (GL) 100. Join us for a lecture from Mitsuhisa Ishikawa, President of Production I.G. from Japan, who has produced hits such as Ghost in the Shell. Enjoy an anime film screening (PG-13) and more!

This event is brought to you by the Consulate General of Japan along with the Institute for Asian Studies at FIU, the Japan Foundation and Anything Goes Anime. Hope you can make it!

Sincerely yours,
The Consulate General of Japan in Miami

I have no idea how many people this was sent to. But I feel like it was sent to me directly because of what I said; that I'm never informed of anything like this. It was a lame excuse but it's true.

Personally, I thought JET frowned upon anime and manga in general. And I hate Miami!!! But I would love to go because I love Ghost in the Shell!!! I really truly do and it breaks my heart because I might see someone important there but then I might incriminate myself by proving that I like(d) anime and then if I don't go I'm showing him that even if I am informed about such events I still won't go because I'm not dedicated enough to the idea of getting the job but the truth is that I hate Miami and it's too damn expensive to take the time to go all the way down there just for one day of an anime convention!!!! *breathe*breathe*

I'm looking too into this. But the waiting and the lack of information is driving me crazy. I just wish to God that I had said more at the interview!!!!

5 shared their love:

Angelo Villagomez said...

They send those emails to everybody who interviewed. They only take you off the email list when you get outright rejected. I received said emails well into November of last year. Emily, although she is in Japan, still receives invites to Anime screenings and flower festivals in Miami.

Good luck getting in. There are a TON of people leaving our ken this year (including us). If our ken is indicative of the entire country, then your chances of getting into JET are greatly increased.

I've heard rumors that for some reason, more people recontracted than is normally expected, so there was an unusually low acceptance rate.

Well, whatever it is, good luck and let me know the minute you get in.

Angelo Villagomez said...

I meant to say, that LAST YEAR a lot of people recontracted, THIS YEAR a lot of people are leaving.

Anonymous said...

Ghost in the Shell was an extremely weird movie.

NinaSama said...

Movie, series....movie2, series 2. It's a very beautiful story (*^_^*)

And genius if you can understand it...which I can't all the time.

Anonymous said...

I got the same email. You're automatically put on the consulate's mailing list for Japan related events in Florida.

I don't think you can do anything to help or hurt your chances now. They've already evaluated us and sent the results back to Tokyo or DC. If by any chance you don't make it this year, attending any events the consulate promotes helps for next time.

They thing about anime/manga is that it isn't professional to use it as a reason they should pick you for a job. Think of it in reverse and it makes sense.

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