Story of my life Part 8

Friday, February 16, 2007

Went to school and was bored as hell. I taught one class. Next week is going to be crazy though as I will be administering a test to every single 1st year by myself. There are about 200 students (500 in the entire school) and I have three days.

I stayed after school for about 45 minutes so that students could bring me their pen pal letters. In the end, I was only missing 5 or 6. I think that's pretty good :) Garuntees that the students who don't want replies won't actually get any in the end! (not being sarcastic either!)

That night I went to Nankoku where I met up with the teachers from Odochi for a normal drinking party. Three of the teachers had just come back from a three day long school trip to Tokyo for skiing and Disney world. We were celebrating their hard work. Thanks guys! Wish I had gone.

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