Story of my life Part 7

Thursday, February 15, 2007

At school, my computer continued to make moaning noises like an old man. I really hope it dies soon. On the home front, my lap top is working properly though it’s a real pain in the ass to have to redo absolutely everything and reinstall every single thing all over again!!! Gah!

The only thing I had to look forward to on this day was watching the movie in my 2nd year’s class. I apologized to my JTE for constantly questioning him about the room and the rental of the movie.

When class rolled around, we all gathered in the AV room and I made a short announcement about the pen pals. I could see that some students had them out but I could also see that some of them had totally forgotten about them. I told the students that they had until the end of Friday to hand them into me. I plan to send them out this weekend.

We then sat back and enjoyed Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.

Say what?!!

Yeah. It turned out that even though we had reserved the AV room someone else had reserved the DVD player. The best I could do on such short notice was to raid the teacher’s closet of educational VHS tapes. It was either Indiana Jones or Pocahontas.

I felt like a complete failure. BUT not to stay down for too long, I made plans to watch a Wallace and Gromit 30 minute short next week. Hopefully this time it’ll turn out alright.

I got home and continued working on my computer. When I checked my email, I noticed that my mother had sent me the billing information for my credit card. Everything seemed alright except for a $59.00 charge to a place in Massachusetts via phone. It was charged on January 2nd when I was still in Sendai with Aozora. Strange, I don’t recall buying anything like that.

I called the company and asked what was up. Turns out, the charge was made through Suitcase . com and I didn’t make it.

I am now the official victim of identity theft. That’s a first. I kinda never though it could happen to me.

Call from CBB: no

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