New Semester, New me?

Saturday, January 14, 2006

I've been updating my photo albums. I just love my digital camera....if only I would take the time to read the manual, I'd probably take better pictures.

I think everyone at work thinks I'm nuts. I've had good days and I've had some down days but after being on the clock for about a half hour I can't help but feel happy. I just love my job!

Even when I'm not at my best I still feel comfortable around everyone. And they are such attractive and wonderful people too. Go Louis for knowing how to hire.

As for my classes...I think this semester will be easy enough but I'm not loving all my classes. Chinese history is turning out to be uninteresting though not boring. Philosophy is a bit over my head too. I think I just need to find the right groove.

Senioritis is setting in and I just don't feel like doing any work. I love going to class (most of the time). I enjoy living in Orlando and spending time on campus, especially with friends, I just don't feel like doing the nitty gritty work. Ah well, it comes with the territory and it's totally worth it ;)

Enjoy my pictures. I know I do (^_^)b

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