Lady of the evening, lady of the evening, lady of the evening.... aka: Ho Ho Ho

Monday, December 19, 2005

Is it Christmas yet? No. No it's not.

1. I finished my Christmas shopping about a week ago. Now, I'm just waiting for Christmas so I can actually get them.
2. Since I have already purchased said presents and because I refuse to get a waste of my time and not worth the money winter job, I have been sitting at home bored as hell. I've been dying to post, but I decided to wait for some unflattering pictures. Besides, there's nothing interesting about a bored girl who refuses to work.
3. I'm bored....I might die.

So, updates, updates... right. I think I'll wait until I get my presents before I announce to the world what it is that I've received. There's something a little anti-x-mas about buying your own gifts. Don't get me wrong though, it's a sure fire way to get exactly what you want. But at the same time, there's just something missing.

I'd show you pictures of my Chirstmasy house, but I have none. Not just pictures, I don't even have a Christmasy house! I'm thankful to just have a house! I finally broke down last night and broke out the two foot fiber optic pos that my mother calls a "tree". It changes colors when you plug it in. It could be considered a Christmas tree if it weren't two say the least. How do you put my massive amount of presents under a two foot nothing, plastic, fruitloopy, green pipe cleaner?!?! It doesn't even smell like pine. This just isn't Christmas.

Maybe I'll take a picture of it with my new digital camera.... I will when I get it.

The weather has been nicely not cold. It doesn't feel like Christmas because it's not cold, but personally, I like the idea of being able to walk outside and not freeze my little flip flop wearing tootsies. This is Florida, it should always be a reasonable temperature if not wretchedly hot. Aside from the overcast, gloomy and drizzly sky, the weather has been very nice. (^_~)b

Now, onward to unflattering pictures!

Right before I left Orlando to return to my birthplace of doom, Christina and I hosted a small Christmas get together. Nothing big and fancy, just tacky. I tried to find the best pictures out of the bunch, but I didn't want anyone to look drunk, high, ugly, camel toe, or overall bad.

Contrary to popular belief, this isn't a picture of Christina. It is a picture of the awesome gift I gave her for Christmas. A six pack of Bellhaven Scottish Ale. It is our favorite and I just happened to stumble upon it when I was at a whole foods store. I picked myself up a pack too.

Even though Christina promised herself and me that she selfishly (and rightfully) wouldn't let anyone have some of her glorisous beverage, she still did. She's just not that selfish ;)

Next, here is the perfect example of what we were trying to go for. Cheese. Christina is wearing one of the most tacky outfits imaginable. The point: to look as cheesey as imaginable. Boots, red fishnets, a "vixen" pink t-shirt, and a gun. I really have no idea what it is that she's holding...but it looks like a gun to me.

In the background, you'll see out TV. She got a DVD of a woodburning fire. It sings Christmas carols too. So cute.

And this is Chrissy and Christina looking like they are having a great time. (cheesey shirt on Chrissy and a nice Charlie Brown tree on the ironing board. Our other roommates surprised us by putting the cutest tree skirt around it. Why they had a mini tree skirt lying around the house, I'll never know. But we still haven't told them how neat it was.)

Fun Times Mission: Accomplished

2 shared their love:

Anonymous said...

One could assume from your title, and the three images of your roommate, that you think She is a 'ho'. Is this an accurate assumption

NinaSama said...

Ah, no.

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