Alright, who put the bullet in the furnace?

Saturday, December 6, 2008

  • It seems I will be going to Thailand after all. The airports are open and the protesting has stopped. Overall, it seems "safe"
  • Today is the coldest day of the year so far. It rained two days ago making it QUITE warm then suddenly the temperature just dropped down into the negatives. No snow...yet.
  • On my way to the Winter Summer Festival, I spotted what looked like my bike parked at the Circle K just down the street from my apartment. I did the check I always do when passing any red bike: Is it red? Yes. Does it have the right kind of basket? Yes. Does it have my lock around the base of the seat? Yes. YES!!! It's my bike!!! I made the fastest (and safest) U turn and booked it back to the convenience store. I looked around and saw two middle school girls lounging around looking "idle". I'd blame them but I have no proof. They seemed mildly amused as I left. Either because I took the bike they planned to use or because they were surprised to see a foreigner. It could be either. Surprisingly though, I don't feel happy about this. I feel really angry. Like, really angry. To ride my bike home, I had to leave my car there. I was actually worried that those girls might key it. This is Japan!!!! *sigh* I guess there are jerks in every country :P
  • I've been trying to find a good recipe for "microwave cake" aka: the most dangerous cake. I've come to the conclusion that any cake in the microwave, regardless of how much sugar or baking powder it does or does not have, will always come out like crap. Cakes were never meant to be nuked.
  • I can tell I've been in Japan too long because every time I watch an American TV program, my first reaction to a beautiful girl is to marvel at how large her eyes are. No joke. Is it me? Or are Summer Glau's eyes REALLY big? Does she does that on purpose?! I think she does that on purpose.
  • I've been really getting into some American TV shows recently. I can't get enough! The Office, 30 Rock, The Terminator Sarah Conner Chronicles. I love it :)
  • I wore a skirt on the coldest day of the year and only my hands were cold. I've really been here too long.

6 shared their love:

Anonymous said...

Amazing! I expected you to ask those girls if it was theirs, but the fact that they didn't chase after you probably means it wasn't. Did they do anything to your car? Are you double-locking that bike these days? I'm glad you have it back may want to get the brakes fixed now...teehee.

love, mom

NinaSama said...

Nah, the car was fine. It only took me about 20 minutes total to ride my bike home and walk back to the car. All in all, pretty good timing. I was afraid I'd have found the bike somewhere in the city which is a good 40min drive from my apartment! THEN what would I have done?!

(tried to stuff it into my tiny tiny car)

As for the breaks...well, the bike I got from my student has REALLY good breaks. So I almost crashed and died when I was riding the old one home (^^;;) but it's really not worth putting money into to fix :P

Lauren Brown said...

Nina, it's your cousin! I got your blog-address from your mom. So glad to be able to catch up! :)

Anonymous said...


Hi from Redmond, WA

Anonymous said...

NINA! Oh my gosh! It's so freaking cool to see your blog! This is your very long lost cousin, Bethany Hodge!
You're going to Thailand?! I was just there this summer. My best friend lives there with her husband. So I spent 3 weeks with them. It's a cool place. I hope you're doing well!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas from Redmond, WA!

Here we are in all our Christmas splendor!

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